Earlier today we met a representative of KHK Group, the construction consultancy dealing with the conversion of the Travel Inn hotel’s disused petrol station on Euston Road. Their objective is to convert the space into new bedrooms for the hotel, in time for Christmas.
It is very bad that we were not consulted as a building prior to the building work commencing, and we have ensured that all parties involved are aware that we have had no consultation, to which we were entitled, and no advance warning of a meaningful type.
Between us, we have agreed the following:
- That noisy working hours would be Monday to Friday from 09.00 until 17.00
- That there would be no weekend work, provided that the works kept to schedule, if over schedule that a review would be held with consideration towards the local residents.
- That a schedule of works was posted on the notice board two weeks in advance showing what works where about to start giving residents time to prepare of the disturbance and to know how long this disturbance would last. ( this will be posted and emailed to the TRA )
- That the pile driving would be screwed in rather than hammered, to reduce the noise levels.
- That should there be excessive wind for a sustained time, that was carrying dust and debris toward Somerton House that a review of said works would be carried out, to abate this.
- That a contact point with the builders is achieved. i.e contact number for the site foreman etc.
- That once during and again on completion of works, that the windows, frames and grey panelling of SH will be washed down and cleaned.
- That a written apology is requested from Travel Inn/Whitbread, to the residents of SH for lack of consultation.
- That the builders would be considerate towards the local residents.
- That communication between parties would be updated minimum of every two weeks.
If you have any further concerns or queries, please email our Secretary.
Or you may write to: Somerton House Tenant’s Association, The Tenants’ Room, 6th Floor, Somerton House, Dukes Road, London WC1H 9AA