Plan to tear down the Town Hall

King’s Cross Ward Councillor Jonathan Simpson has wrote to the Camden New Journal, to raise awareness and objections to plans to demolish the Town Hall Extension.


Camden Town Hall, School on the right.
Camden Town Hall, School on the right.

Somerton House Tenants’ Association supports Cllr Simpson. If the current Council was to demolish the Town Hall Extension, the sustained disturbance to local residents and businesses would be unbearable.

It also stands to reason that whilst the Council are following a ‘patch it until it’s absolutely beyond economical repair’ ethos in the way our housing is maintained, that the current Town Hall Extension has plenty of life left in it.

Council services provided at the Town Hall would suffer as a result, with Somerton House residents left to speak to the Council by telephone – which is not an affordable or efficient option for everyone.

There is a school directly behind the Town Hall Extension, which would be affected unreasonably by development in such proximity. Childrens’ education would suffer.

A private development would also maximise on living accommodation. Euston Road is a major arterial route, and the noise levels at the junctions around King’s Cross St. Pancrass are unbelievable – who would want to live in an air-conditioned bubble with no opening windows?

If the Council submits plans, Somerton House Tenants’ Association will let you know.

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